Genetics: Landrace variety from Transkei
Sourced: Locally sourced by local grower
Latitude: 31° S
Elevation: 700 – 1200 metres
Traditional use: Ganja. Smoking. Men and women and for spiritual uses too.
Height: 2 to 4 metres in natural outdoor environment
Characteristics: Sturdy, drought, mold, mildew resistant, very branchy
Sowing: End of October
Harvest: From end of March (first harvest) till June (last harvest)
Flowering: 14+ weeks
Aromas: Spicy, diesel, fuel, minty, piney, carrots, aniseeed
Taste: Very smooth. Some very minty flavoured ones.
Effects: Meditative clear high. No ceiling or come down effect
The Transkei green is a legendary Pondoland landrace, also known as the “Wild Side” because of its remoteness and lack of infrastructure, which has also preserved the local landraces even from the coastal tourist trail hybrids. These seeds are from the foothills of the Transkei / Lesotho border in a very hidden and isolated valley where the locals have been growing underground cannabis crops for decades. There are a range of terpenes from fuel, diesel to minty, spice, pine. Some aniseed too. The effects are very meditative and focused clear high with no celling or comedown. The buds are a bright green with orange and red pistils. Transkei is a pure sativa. They grow very bushy if topped and some untopped plants can reach 4 metres.
They are harvested in the months from end of March to June. The average flowering time is of 14 week but also some may take 18+ weeks. These in particular will have an abundance of pistils. There are also hazy phenotypes to be found . This can lead to think that these are or may be connected to the old school hazes as the taste and smell of some of these phenotypes is typically reminiscent of the haze plants, some phenos were smelling like fuel and pissy having a high that can last up to four hours and more.
We are based in the USA and offer our services throughout the country. Seeds contain 0% thc and are fully legal under the hemp bill. Please follow your local laws. We do not condone propagating, all content is for informational purposes only. Our seed stock is fresh from the breeders!
Legal Disclaimer: All Seeds are considered HEMP Seeds by law. Every seed tested contained less than 0.03% THC.
Please keep in mind that seeds themselves never contain THC, and are fully legal. Our seeds are directly from the breeders in their original, sealed packaging.
We encourage all customers to follow the laws set forth by their Country, State / Province and local municipalities. Any Seeds sold will be considered sold FOR NOVELTY PURPOSES ONLY! We take no responsibility if they are used in any fashion that can be considered illicit or illegal. All sales are final.
I can't ask for better service. I would recommend you to everyone. The packaging was very professional . Thanks for being here for all of us. Will buy from you always.
Y’all crush it again and again. Packaging is on point, I love the old school stamps. Freebies have been and communication across the board has been on point.
You guys are the best seedbank I've had the pleasure of doing business with yet. Your freebies are amazing and your customer service is top notch. I'll recommend you to all my friends. Can't wait for my next order to see all the rare finds that are in store for me.
David S.
Store Owner
We are dedicated to serving the industry by supplying top quality verified breeder seed stock to begin your very own grow or take to your pheno hunts. Our seeds can be shipped throughout the USA and are 100% legal. Please follow your local laws.
By using and/or purchasing from our web site, you accept our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and this Legal Disclaimer.
Germination of hemp seeds may be illegal in most places. Cool Beans sells legal hemp seeds as collectible adult souvenirs, for genetic preservation purposes. We do not encourage under any circumstances the use of these seeds for any other purpose and in no way whatsoever do we condone the germination of hemp seeds.
Cool Beans does not sell hemp seeds to anyone whom we suspect may cultivate seeds in a region in which it is illegal to do so. We accept no responsibility for any product intercepted or lost in transit if you place an order for a product or products to be sent to a place where such product(s) are illegal.
You accept responsibility for checking your country and state laws to establish that you can legally purchase the products available for sale on this web site.
Cool Beans does not accept any liability and does not provide any guarantees in respect of any of the products sold on its web site. Cool Beans expressly states that it does not wish to induce anyone to act in conflict with the law. All persons who purchase hemp seeds are responsible for their actions and future actions. Our Seedbank will accept no responsibility in this respect. All information contained on this website and any associated promotional or packaging material is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to condone, promote or incite the cultivation of illegal and/or controlled substances.
We absolutely do not condone and will not participate in the sale of hemp seeds to individuals under the age of twenty-one (21). We will take steps to verify your age!